Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chapter 1 STATIC

In a dark room that smells like stagnate

 water and concrete, the sound of static 

electricity is heard soft at first and then 

a loud pop which ignites a surge of 

electricity throughout the room. A small 

light hanging from the ceiling turns on 

revealing a small ten by ten concrete room 

with a metal door tagged with graffiti. A 

young man walks over to an old sink stained 

yellow and splashes a bit of water on his 

face. Looking in the mirror he runs his 


through his hair and leaves the room. 


down dark and dingy bricked corridors of old 

subway tunnels.

“I know what you’re thinking if life is so 

much better than why am I living like a rat? 

Believe me when I say rats have it better 

than I do. Rats are pets, that occasionally 

eat chocolate and are sometimes used for 

scientific break through. Me, I don’t have a 

purpose all I have are powers. I can’t fly, 

I don’t have ex ray vision, no super speed 

here, I can’t control anything with my mind. 

Nope all I have is static.”

From the infinite darkness of an old tunnel 

a loud crackling noise is heard with the 

fallowing of blue lights that crackle and 

pop. Engulfed in electricity the young man 

is Sliding on a rail line with the surge 

coming from his legs and hands. Blasting 

through the tunnels blowing papers and 



“It comes in handy when you’re trying to get 

around down in the subterranean, ever since 

they shut down the tunnels and recycled all 

the trains and cars I get the whole place to 


Passing a signal light he comes up to a 

platform which he then launches himself 


landing in a hero pose he makes himself 

laugh. Making his way to the set of stairs 


sees an old poster of a cliché looking 

superhero named Captain. Mocking the pose he 

rolls his eyes and tares it down. Crumpling 

it in his hands he then uses his power to 


it on fire.

“yeah heroes are a joke, there’s nothing 

more pathetic then an elite superhero in a city of people with sanctioned powers.”

Stepping up into the sun light he puts on 


sunglasses and gets lost in the crowds of 

Arcadia. Surrounded by the sounds and smells 

of the markets. Some of the vendors use 

replicating technology to resupply their 

product. Each market tries to sample from 

various cultures and ethnicity from 


Indian, Classic American chicken and 


Turkish, Swedish, Hungarian, Italian. A 

little kid goes to try a piece of kiwi off 

the stand but the vendor uses his power to 

levitate it back on the stand. Using it’s 


powers the kid creates a sucker out of thin 

air and sticks it in his mouth.

“Everyone here has a sanctioned power or powers, but only one is recognized for being a hero. Let me show you.”

Passing by a building with a colossal piece 

of glass mounted to its roof. The glass 

starts to playback the last epic save from 

the Captain saving a life, stopping an 

explosion, lifting a building and of course 

stopping a villain from robbing a bank.

“That’s this generations version of Captain, the only superhero in the city. When the government discovered his unlimited potential he would spend his life being groomed by the last Captain to become the future hero of Arcadia. No one knows who he is, well someone has to know, but it’s a rarity to have more than two powers.”

Passing through the park where the statue of 

the eight year old girl is seen and a bunch 

of little kids playing with their powers 

pretending to be superheros. On the corner 


a crosswalk he watches as a group of well 

dressed kids sit and have coffee together. 

Using their telepathy to control the waiting 

staff and those with lesser powers, they 

control others to walk through traffic.

“Even in Arcadia we have social standings, our upper class are those with the power of telepathy or ESP we call them hackers, because they hack into your brain unknowing to you and there isn’t a single thing you can do it about. Completely unaware of it, the person just does whatever they want.”

Watching as the brother expands his reach to 

a cross guard and a bunch of children who 

walk across the street like ducks, but not 

having enough focus or strength to control 

the last one, it gets stranded in traffic. An 

SUV with a video call covering half of his 

screen blocks the child from his view.

“Why my dear brother, you are reaching too far.” Lux says curious to see how the outcome is going to play out.
“Hardly of any concern to me, the child stood behind a rock, substance that our ability has yet to be able to penetrate.” Leo says in return.

Coming close to the kid a bolt of lightening 

strikes the car and sends it flying up in 


air as the kid stands there in awe. The 

driver completely unaware of why his SUV is 

flipping upside down, he manages to put his 

coffee back into his cup and puts his hand 

over it. The SUV flies towards a dog walker 

with twelve dogs on a leash, with a single 

body compulsion he thrusts the SUV away and 

it lands on top of a motorcycle which is 

crushed. A slow seep of helium fuel begins 


leak out of the tank.

“helium! Everyone get out of there!” shouts. Everyone begins to scatter and run as the bike ignites in a massive ball of blueish-green flames and energy which is contained in the nick of time by man in a highly advanced super suit. A helmet covers his face as this well built man diminishes the explosion, resets the SUV, rebuilds the bike with his mind and safely escorts the little girl across the street. Feeling the presents of the twins he glances over at them and they grab their books for school. Waving good bye to the public he flies off into the sky.

Stepping behind the kid is a man in a blue 

suit with an ear piece, “situation handle, 

there were no casualties.” he coms in, 

grabbing the young man by the arm he pulls 

him with him. “Hello Dirk, we’re going to 

have a little chat.”

Shrugging off the grip Dirk walks with the 

man in the suit.

“Why Agent Kessler of Arcadia’s finest blue 

suits.” Ethan says mockingly.

Using his powers Kessler keeps Dirk from 

going anywhere.

“ A funny thing happened the other day, I went to see how things were getting long with the Hendrix’s and come to find out you haven’t been there for over a month. Anything 
you care to share?”
Dirk shrugs and tries to get up, but he 


looking over at Kessler who is using his 

power to keep Dirk seated.
“Really, you’re going to hold me against my will? Look those people didn’t want me. Besides I can take care of myself.” Dirk says in protest.
“Boy!” he says highly annoyed.

Taking hold of his arm they teleport in front 

of a tall academic looking building.
“You’re going to put me in lock up? Good, I look great in Orange.” Looking around he sees the giant holographic sign that reads ARCADIA HIGH.
“WHAT?! NO, I’d rather go to prison!” Dirk shouts.
“What is with your attitude? You act like no one cares about you?”
“Yeah, well that’s what happens when your old 
man was incarcerated

for being in Arcadia.” Dirk says in an angry 

“Well you’re half right, he was an unsanctioned superpower who also tried to destroy the government that keeps the rest of the world from knowing Arcadia exist. Hence why he’s in a deep state of stasis and is never coming out.” Kessler states as they teleport next to a front desk with a neon sign that reads ADMINISTRATION.
“Is this him?” a direct female voice says 

from behind the desk.

Out walks a fashionable little woman who 

stands about three feet tall with orange hair 

and green tinted glasses.

“Ms. Jade, this is him.” Kessler says.

Looking over the boy she looks up at 


“well Agent Kessler I will do what I can but 

no promises.”

“What do you want, man?” Dirk asks annoyed.
“I want you to go to Arcadia High, I want you to find your power placement and I want you bath more than once every two months. That’s it.” Kessler says with a smirk on his face.

“If I say you can shove that smirk.”

Suddenly he’s slapped in the face by Ms. 

Jade, not completely sure how she did it, 


he knows it was her.

“Watch your language young man, your anger is very misplaced.” she says to him putting her finger in his face.
“you may go Agent Kessler. I will take it 

from here.” Ms. Jade says.

Agent Kesslerr motions to Dirk that he’s 

going to be watching him and then teleports. 

Suddenly Dirk feels something on his wrist, 

“what the?”
“It is a nuclear magnet with micro-holographic technology, the next evolution in magnetism. Since you’re going to be wearing it for quite sometime I made it somewhat fashionable for someone in your age group. You can customize the color, texture and even it’s material. With it’s AI capability it will change itself to match whatever your wearing.”
“Why do I have this?” Dirk asks.
“To prevent any attempts of escaping.” she says with a smile on her face. “Now come, you must shower and change orientation starts 

tomorrow and there is much to do.”

Choosing to silently protest he remains 

standing next to the desk as Ms. Jade 

continues to walk down the hallway. Going 

through the doors she waits on the steps for 

him counting down. “Three, Two, one!”

Dirk then smashes through the doors and 

appears next to her.

While cleaning her glasses, revealing her 

orange and black glowing eyes Ms. Jade says, 

“Lets make one thing perfectly clear, Either 

you move or the bracelet will force you to 

move, believe me when I say that resistance 

is utterly futile and I wouldn’t try to.”

She then hears the crackling sound of 

electricity and then Dirk groaning in pain.

“Come.” she says with a straight face

They walk down the stairs and heads towards 

black Lincoln where her driver waits.
“This is Mr. G, he is my employee, he’s going to help keep an eye on you.”
“Great.” Dirk says looking at this short stout man with pale skin but with translucent scales.

Sitting in the back of the car Dirk sits in 

silence with a thousand questions running 

through his mind.
“He wants to know why he has been placed in your custody?” Mr. G says with an Irish brogue.

“Agent Kessler called in a favor.”

The car starts and they travel at Mach 

speeds, the car then stops outside of the 


“Come.” Ms. Jade says as she leaves the car.

Slowly getting out of the car and stepping 

onto a hill that over looks the prison.
“tell me what do you feel?” Ms. Jade asks.
“I don’t feel anything.” Dirk replies.

Standing there in silence looking out onto 

the prison his expression turns with concern 

and a sense of loneliness falls over him.
“You feel alone, like an outcast, unwanted, possibly even a bit of resentment towards the rest of society. Good, come we must get you clean before your stench stains the inside of my car.”

Getting back into the car Dirk is utterly 

confused about his whole situation.
“You may think none of this makes sense now, but it will.” Says Mr. G

Once the car starts within just a few 


it stops again this time in front of a log 

cabin in the woods.

Falling out of the car Dirk picks himself up 

and looks at the log cabin.
“you live here?”
“My dirty boy, you of all people shouldn’t be so judgmental, as one of many life’s lessons, it is not what’s on the outside.” She puts her hand on the door knob which scans the print and then unlocks. The three walk into a beautiful manor of marble floors and grand stair cases. Walls covered in art. “but 

what’s on the inside that truly matters.”

A subtle pause is given to Dirk in order to 

soak in everything which is then broken by 

Ms. Jade’s voice.
“Come, I give you the tour.” every room she scurries past she calls out, “Kitchen, Dinning room, ballroom, top secret government lab and training facility.”

Slowly turning around and looking at Dirk she 

says “Just making sure you’re paying 

attention. You’re bedroom is up the stairs to 

the right, your closet has replicator 

technology so we can set fire to those rags 

that you’re wearing now and most importantly 

there’s a bathroom, please use it as 

frequently as possible. Also there are plenty 

of hygiene products for someone of your age 

whose body is possibly still going through 

the many, many, many stages of puberty. Now 

if you’ll excuse me.” Ms. Jade then 


Out of the shower Dirk looks in the mirror 

and sees himself clean and it makes him 

uncomfortable. His thin torso with his ribs 

showing and his face almost sunken in. It’s 

hard truth for him to face, but part of him 

is glad to have seen it. In his closet he 

thumbs through the infinite catalog of 

clothes Ms. Jade’s voice comes in over a 


“sandwiches in two minutes then we must begin 
our first session.”

Dressed in simple clean clothes he walks 

slowly into the kitchen, but no one is 


Appearing behind him Ms. Jade looks at him 

curiously with squinting eyes.
“Why are you in the kitchen?”

“You said sandwiches, I just assumed.”

Staring at him highly confused she gets up 


her tippy toes looking into his eyes 


him, “You are most fascinating. Come we eat 

in the sitting room.”

As they walk into the room, a set of 

comfortable plush couches and chairs are 


along with a long table that’s covered in a 

sorted arrangement of finger sandwiches, 

fruit and veggie platters.

Seeing Dirk’s eye’s light up at the sight of 

all the food Ms. Jade gets an idea.
“good, you are hungry then I shall use that for our advantage in our first session. The more you reveal to me, the more food you will be allowed to eat. Come sit with me.”
“Now what is your name?”
“Dirk Mastersons.”

Mr. G gives Dirk yogurt with some fruit 


he wastes no time eating.

“What powers did your parent’s have?”
“After the blast my father was classified as Atomic or a nuke, my mother was known as many things, a saint, the devine, all that stuff.”

Mr. G brings him a piece of egg quiche which 

he inhales.

“how old are you?”

“fifteen.” he looks over at Mr. G who is 

piling on the food on his plate.

“How did it make you feel seeing the prison?”


“you must be honest with yourself in order for me to understand you, tell me what did you feel?” She says subtly persisting.
“I’m the son of the man who destroyed the city, destroyed lives, gave little kids cancer.”
“yes, but how does that feel?” she says wanting his answer. “Does the apple fall far from the tree?”
“are you capable of being a destructive monster like your father, do you want to destroy Arcadia, why do you hide from 

yourself?” She shouts.

Feeling bombarded and attacked Dirk becomes 

completely engulfed in his anger and 

frustration. His body begins to create 


Finally he yells out,“I hate what I am!” An 

electrical pop is heard and all the lights 



Sitting in the dark Ms. Jade calmly says, 

“thank you that will be all.”

When the lights turn back on Mr. G and Ms. 

Jade are gone leaving Dirk with the table of 


In her study Ms Jade watches the footage of 

Dirk before the black out
“Power resentment, this could be very dangerous. The boy is suppressing his power. 

Completely unaware of his true potential.”

Looking back at Mr. G who is in deep thought,
“What are you thinking?” she asks.
“He resents the same power that his father has, what about an alternative?”
“Ahh, impossible. Whatever he had inherited from his mother is being suppressed by his hatred for his father.”
“And since when does Emilia Jade run from a challenge?” he says with a polite smirk on his face.
“you’re intellectual behavior at times can be very surprising. FINE, I’ll do it, but it won’t be easy.”
“I’ll leave you to it.” Mr. G says as he leaves Ms. Jade to her work.

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