Thursday, November 7, 2019

ARCADIA (Prolouge)


“No one really knew what happened to 

Arcadia. We were all present for it. Locked 

and boarded in our 

homes, some of us were 

barricaded in churches 

and schools. All 


the assumption that 

something along the 


of an atomic nuclear 

blast was going to drop 

on our city. A city 


is the worlds best 

kept secret.”

An entire city is 

covered in a force 


when suddenly the blue 

skies turn orange with 

massive explosion of energy. A wave of 

destructive atomic power blows through the 

city. Buildings begin to collapse, every 


of the city is on fire everyone is now in 

mass hysteria and despair.

“within moments an announcement was made 


reached the inner minds of everyone in the 

city. In order to save our city and all that 

we are about, in order to keep Arcadia a 

secret from the world our truths must be 


It starts with a tall black man who steps up 

to a fire and with a single thrust of his 

hands a surge of water explodes out from the 

pipes and ground extinguishing the fire. Two 

people contain an explosion from a cluster 


damaged vehicles. A child sees a limping 


sitting down next to it and petting it the 

child heals the dog which thanks the child 

with a wet sloppy kiss.

“Eventually everyone was helping out, every 

single person with a government sanctioned 

super power found a way to aid and heal the 

city. It took three years to repair and 


Arcadia. Through that time our government 

began to reestablish its presents in the 

city. Even with a city of super powered 

people death was still emit. The blast 

accelerated a mutant form of cancer that was 

found within young un-sanctioned kids. Our 

illustrious humanitarian leader Victor 

Benedict HAD an eight year old daughter.”

In a lush vibrant park an average looking 

man of average stature commands the 


of the entire city as he reveals the statue 


his daughter which is backed by a curved 

fountain where the names of all the other 

children who had died from the same form of 

cancer. Once the applause dies down Victor 

spurs hope by introducing what the future 

may hold.

“To ensure that our future is secure by the 

brilliant minds of Doctor Katherine 


team and the generous funding given by our 

very own Lance Henderson this ugly violation 

of our children’s lives will soon know 


Standing side by side the tall and brilliant 

minded man of money and generosity stands 

next to a truly beautiful woman of infinite 

genius and kindness.

“The whole city called them the saviors of 

the sanctioned. To others they were just two 

people that knew how to do their jobs. When 

the cure was created it was handed out like 

candy to everyone If anything Victor was 

eager to help everyone from the homeless to 

rich and influential.”

In a medical lab the cure is being 


through a series of machines and then pumped 

into injector tubes. An army of medics take 

the thousands of cases which are loaded in 

the back of medi-vac vehicles and scatter 

all over the city. A mass of medics disperse 

 throughout the city and distribute an 

instant injection to every single citizen. 

Both Katherine and Lance watching on a large 

pane of glass and see a heavily detailed map 

of the city covered in millions of purple 

dots. It takes several hours, but eventually 

all the purple dots disappear. A sigh of 

relief is shared among the two as well as 


“Everyone was cured, our future was secured, 

the city was rebuilt and a better way of 

life was created for every single living 

thing in it. All was forgiven, but it hasn’t 

been forgotten.”

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